Modifying Sections#

It’s often the case that you’ll want to organize the contents of a tab (see the previous walkthrough on adding a new tab). We’ll be covering the following scenarios:

  1. How to add a new section

  2. How to add a sub-section (section nested in a section)

Exploring the left navigation layout#

For this walkthrough, we’ll be using the layout of the Tab_2 tab to understand how sections are organized.


The four “subject” documents with the arrows next to them are “top-level documents”.#

This layout relates to the file tree rooted at sphinx-documentation-demo/docs/tab_2:

┣ 📂subsection_1
┃ ┣ 📜index.rst
┃ ┣ 📜subsubject_1.rst
┃ ┗ 📜subsubject_2.rst
┣ 📂subsection_2
┃ ┣ 📜index.rst
┃ ┣ 📜subsubject_3.rst
┃ ┗ 📜subsubject_4.rst
┣ 📜index.rst
┣ 📜subject_1.rst       <- top level
┣ 📜subject_2.rst       <- top level
┣ 📜subject_3.rst       <- top level
┗ 📜subject_4.rst       <- top level

The subjects with the arrows are “top level documents”.

Organizing Top-Level Sections#

So how does Sphinx know how to organize those top-level documents into Section 1 and Section 2?

Let’s look at sphinx-documentation-demo/docs/tab_2/index.rst:

 1.. toctree::
 2    :maxdepth: 1
 3    :caption: Section 1
 5    subject_1
 6    subsection_1/index
 7    subject_2
 9.. toctree::
10    :maxdepth: 1
11    :caption: Section 2
13    subject_3
14    subject_4
15    subsection_2/index
  • There are two toctrees contained in this index.

  • Each toctree corresponds to a section within Tab_2

    • The name of the section is determined by the :caption: role (see the two lines highlighted in yellow)

  • subject_1 and subject_2 belong to the first toctree (“Section 1”)

  • subject_3 and subject_4 belong to the second toctree (“Section 2”)

Adding New Section#

A quick way to demonstrate adding a new section is by adding a new toctree to the index at docs/tab_2/index.rst. We will also move an existing document to the new section.

Change the toctrees in docs/tab_2/index.rst to the following:

 1.. toctree::
 2    :maxdepth: 1
 3    :caption: Section 1
 5    subject_1
 6    subsection_1/index
 7    subject_2
 9.. toctree::
10    :maxdepth: 1
11    :caption: Section 2
13    subject_3
14    subject_4
15    subsection_2/index
17.. toctree::
18    :maxdepth: 1
19    :caption: My New Section
21    subject_4
  • The last toctree is the new one added for this demonstration.

  • The first highlighted line will be the title of the section.

  • The second highlighted line will be the document (subject_4) that’s contained in this new section.

    • Notice that you can have the same document in more than one section. Sphinx knows how to link to the same document.


You should notice a new section in Tab_2.#

Adding a New Subsection#

A subsection is nested within an existing section.