Layout Overview ============================= .. note:: :class: sidebar The Sphinx theme (`PyData `_ in our case) can also affect how documents are shown in the layout. The documentation you see on this website is built from the `docs `_ directory located in the project. Sphinx compiles the :term:`rST` files inside of this directory and generates static HTML files. The file layout of the :code:`docs/` directory, along with "toctrees" (which we will cover this later), will **determine the website layout of the documentation**. Therefore it's important to understand how to organize files within the :code:`docs/` directory so that Sphinx knows where to display them. We'll cover this over the course of several short tutorials so that you can learn how to: .. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - **Add a new...** * - Tab to the top navigation bar * - Page to the left navigation bar * - Section to the left navigation bar * Add a new tab to the top navigation bar * Add a new page to the left navigation bar * Add a new section to the left navigation bar Before that, we review each of the major layout components in the sections below. Top Navigation Bar ================== .. figure:: images/layout_top.png :class: sd-border-2 The top navigation bar (highlighted in red) Logo ---- The "logo" is located in the upper-left-hand corner of the page. Typically this is just text, but you can also add an icon. To change the text that you see: 1. Go into :code:`docs/` 2. In html_theme_options... 3. Change the text stored in the "logo" key: .. image:: images/logo_loc.png :class: sd-border-2 .. seealso:: `PyData's guide on changing the logo `_ Tabs ---- .. figure:: images/tabs.png :class: sd-border-2 This project has three tabs, although two of them are for demonstration purposes. You can organize content into different "tabs". For example, a code project could be partitioned into a "Tutorials" tab (for in-depth documentation) and an "API" tab (for documenting specific functions) A tab is created for each "toctree" in the root index file :code:`docs/index.rst`. This will be covered in a later tutorial. .. todo:: Link to the tabs tutorial Search Bar ---------- .. warning:: :class: sidebar The search bar doesn't work well when you are viewing documentation **locally** on your computer. Sphinx comes with built-in search functionality. Users that enter text into the search bar in the upper-right-hand corner can search across multiple documentation pages. Left Navigation Bar =================== .. figure:: images/layout_left.png :class: sd-border-2 The left navigation bar (highlighted in red) The left navigation bar allows users to navigate between documents that have been indexed within a "toctree" (more on this later). Each tab will have its own left navigation bar, allowing you to organize :term:`rST` files into one "folder" per tab. Right Navigation Bar ===================== .. figure:: images/layout_right.png :class: sd-border-2 The right navigation bar (highlighted in red) The right navigation bar allows users to navigation between **different sections within the current page**. This is automatically generated based on section headers specified within the page's :term:`rST` file. .. .. image:: images/tab2_top.png :class: sd-border-2 |