Hosting Sphinx on GitHub Pages ============================== While you can install Sphinx on your laptop and build documentation locally, ultimately you will want to share docs via a web server. To do this, we will go over: 1. Setting up GitHub pages for a repository 2. Using GitHub Workflows to automate building documentation 1. Set up GitHub Pages ====================== GitHub Pages allow users to view web pages generated by our documentation. While there already a page set up for the :code:`sphinx-documentation-demo` project, you will need to do the following steps for a new project: 1a. Navigate to Page settings ----------------------------- .. figure:: images/guide_install_repo_settings.png :class: sd-border-2 Click the Settings tab in the project you want to add to GitHub Pages. .. figure:: images/guide_install_repo_page_tab.png :class: sd-border-2 Click the Pages tab (in the left sidebar) in the Settings page. 1b. Select branch to use with GitHub Pages ------------------------------------------ .. warning:: The GitHub repo must be **public** in order for it to be accessible via GitHub Pages. .. figure:: images/guide_install_page_branch.png :class: sd-border-2 When documentation is successfully deployed, you will see a link that looks like :code:`A`. For a new repo, this will not be active. You will need to set the branch (see :code:`B`). This demo uses a separate branch called :code:`gh-pages` to deploy documentation. 2. Using GitHub Workflow to Build Documentation =============================================== GitHub can automatically discover workflows located in the :code:`.github/workflows` directory within the project directory. We will be using a workflow to build documentation whenever a **new commit is pushed to the repository**. 2a. Example Workflow -------------------- We will be reviewing the workflow that :code:`sphinx-documentation-demo` uses. You can find the workflow in :code:`sphinx-documentation-demo/.github/workflows/documentation.yml` .. code-block:: :emphasize-lines: 16,19,24,26 :linenos: name: documentation on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch] permissions: contents: write jobs: docs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/setup-python@v3 - name: Install dependencies run: | pip install sphinx pydata-sphinx-theme sphinx-design sphinx-copybutton sphinx-autoapi - name: Sphinx build run: | sphinx-build docs _build - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }} with: publish_branch: gh-pages github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish_dir: _build/ force_orphan: true * **Line 16.** Install dependencies * This tells GitHub to install sphinx and its dependencies to the ubuntu image. * **Note**: After you add a new sphinx extension to :code:`pyproject.toml` and to :code:`docs/`, you'll also need to add the dependency to the list on line 16. * **Line 19.** Build Docs * This runs :code:`sphinx-build` on the :code:`docs/` directory (in the repo) and creates the :code:`_build/` directory. * Line 24. Publish to branch * After building the docs, this line tells GitHub to publish the changes to the :code:`gh-pages` branch. * **Note**: this needs to be the same branch that GitHub Pages is set to publish with. * **Line 26.** Specify directory to publish * This informs GitHub Pages where the static HTML documentation (built by :code:`sphinx-build`) is located. 3. Verifying GitHub Workflow Actions ==================================== Using the previously mentioned workflow, a GitHub Action will be triggered whenever a commit is pushed to the repo. You can monitor running jobs from your GitHub Repository. .. figure:: images/guide_install_github_actions_tab.png :class: sd-border-2 Click on the :code:`Actions` tab. .. figure:: images/guide_install_actions_build.png :class: sd-border-2 Current and previous workflow runs are listed in the Actions tab. The color of the icon indicates the current status of the run. You may notice a :code:`pages build and deployment` job running. This is reponsible for building the docs. .. figure:: images/guide_install_actions_error.png :class: sd-border-2 A red icon indicates that the run has failed. You can click on a run to get debug info for each step. Featured in this figure is a very common error: sphinx is missing an extension because it was not installed in the :code:`documentation.yml` workflow. To fix this, :code:`sphinx-copybutton` had to be added to line 16 in :code:`documentation.yml` (see :ref:`2a. Example Workflow`)