testpackage.test_printer ======================== .. py:module:: testpackage.test_printer Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: testpackage.test_printer.TestMessage testpackage.test_printer.TestPrinter Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: testpackage.test_printer.function_within_package Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: TestMessage(message_string) Bases: :py:obj:`object` This is the docstring for the TestMessage class. :param message_string: String to be printed later :type message_string: string .. py:method:: from_number(number) :staticmethod: Creates a TestMessage from the provided number. :param number: the number to convert into a string .. py:class:: TestPrinter(msg) Bases: :py:obj:`object` This is the docstring for TestPrinter Stuff :param msg: Message to be stored for later printing .. py:method:: print() This function is used to print the stored message. .. py:function:: function_within_package() This is just an example of a function within a package that is not also contained within a class.